KAP Sukrisno Sarwoko & Sandjaja is a public accounting firm which is supported by highly qualified and experienced professionals gathered to deliver high quality services to our clients. We understand that high quality service is your main concern when seeking services from providers.
KAP Sukrisno Sarwoko & Sandjaja (previously KAP Sukrisno Agoes MM & Rekan) is established on 1990 by the Ministry of Finance letter No. SI. 1918/MK.13/1990 dated December 4th 1990 and has been revised the Ministry of Finance letter No. 665/KM.1/2013 dated September 30th 2013.
Professional membership:
o IAPI (Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants)
o IAI (The Indonesian Institute of Accountants)
o ISEI (Indonesian Economist Association)
o FAPM (Forum Akuntan Pasar Modal)
o ISACA International (Information System Audit and Control Association)
o IIA International (Institute of Internal Auditor)
o ACFE International (Association of Certified Fraud Examiners)